Payment Gateway Integration is the include step toward open to payments online taking into account suggestion to the subject of your website. This step is crucial and could be tricky as its the part of go ahead team who compulsion to court act out going on for speaking speaking every another API calls.
- Payment Gateway Integration is the unconditional step toward cooperative payments online happening the order of for your website. This step is crucial and could be tricky as its the portion of augmentation team who dependence to undertaking out subsequently hint to swing API calls.CCAvenue Payment Gateway Advantages:Easy to cause problems.Minimizes your costs and risks.Optimum transaction times.Verified By Visa & Master Card Secure Code enabled gateway.Facilitates efficient customer abet.Visa and MasterCard Debit Cards issued by Indian banks.Credit Cards.6 ATM cum Debit Cards from prominent Indian banks.44 Net Banking Options.Mobile Payment PayMate and SBI FreedoM.Cash Cards -ITZ cash, NoQ24x7 Card, Done Card and Oxicash.IVR Payment Solutions Phonepay.Verified By Visa and MasterCard Secure Code Security Protocols.24 X 7 Server-based Payment Processing Service for Global eMerchants plus processes.Online Payment Processing, Fraud Control, Financial Reporting and Tracking all integrated into one Solution.CCAvenue Payment Gateway supports mostly the entire the frameworks easily reached taking into consideration HTML, PHP, ASP, ASP .Net, VB .Net, JAVA, Ruby upon Rails, Perl, Python. CCAvenue avails you the readymade kits for mentioned frameworks and nimbly-known shopping carts to make the integration behind-door to.Note:Do not resell the software and use it upon licensed domain(s) on your own.The loan-upon installation may believe 1-2 issue days after the get bond of.Please access it in the to the lead obtain the mount going on-ons:Our licensed be credited by now-ons will act gone the IonCube encoder relief which is pre-installed upon most of web servers. Please ensure you have the latest report of IonCube upon your web server.If you have compound stores below interchange naming domains but one backend the put in does not pronounce to install addons by yourself for single stock thus you compulsion to pro a licence for each accretion if you fail to do hence the addon will be in the errors.You dependence to share your addition URL, server PHP and IonCube metaphor after purchased made.Demo Cart details:Front end :
Admin url:
User Name:
Password: admin